Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Art Project A Day #12

When I returned to college in 2004, I took every Art class I could at our local SFCC. The Art teacher, Cathy Futral, is awesome. Some of my classmates created pen and ink dot drawings. I thought that some day I would attempt it myself, and today was the day. I don't feel it's the best example of this style, but it was fun.

This 8 x 11 inch 140 pound Arches watercolor paper was cropped to 7.5 x 9 inches in this photograph. I drew the subject jars first, and then filled in the shapes with dots, using a fine point Sharpie. I learned much, but can see that there is more I should have done. I will do this again.


  1. I like the way you got the reflections on jars and variation of light and dark. Again the composition is really good. When ever I want pen work to be permanent and avoid browning I use India ink pens, they work really great and come in a variety of types and sizes.

    How long did this take you by the way.

  2. Oh, I guess it took about 3-4 hours. I always think I'm going to time everything, but then I get phone calls and other interruptions, and lose track of the art time.

    I didn't plan it very well, which is why the highlights are outlined and standing in mid-air, which makes no sense to me. By the time I realized it looked goofy, I was too far into it, without time to start something new.

    I have to say that this art a day make me choose subjects faster, and work faster in general. So, even if I get to the end without a completed project, I feel as if it is a valuable use of time.

    The India ink pens sound great. I'll have to check them out. Thanks, Marty.
